Warren Elly - W1GUD


Warren Elly, W1GUD is a native of New York, NY and was first licensed in Stamford , Connecticut in 1966 as a novice, WN1GUD. A year later Warren became a general WA1GUD, a call sign he held as an advanced until 1999, when he obtained the vanity call W1GUD. In February of 2000, Warren upgraded to Extra. Operating for the last 18 years from Tampa, Florida, Warren's interests include weak signal VHF work, digital modes on HF, and CW DX on the low bands. Warren also collects vintage radios, and has a collection of Collins equipment. A member of one of the ARRL's oldest affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs, the Tampa Amateur Radio Club, Warren is a board member of T.A.R.C.. Active in scouting, Warren has staged ham radio demos and operating events at scout camps and schools for over a decade years Amateur Radio lead directly to Warren's profession, with the early days of hamming in the 60's steering him to a life long career in broadcast journalism. His 25 years in the business was only interrupted briefly in the mid 70's, when Warren worked as an editor at 73 Magazine, and then as Sales Manager for the old DenTron Radio in Ohio. After returning to broadcasting and making 11 moves in ten years, from New England to the MIdwest, Warren and his family settled in Tampa , Florida in 1982, where he is the senior reporter for Fox Owned WTVT-TV, the nation's highest rated Fox Station. Warren has reported from all over the U.S., South and Central America, Europe, and the Middle East, and has covered the U.S. Space program for 12 years. He has witnessed over 70 shuttle launches, and has worked scores of QSOs with shuttle and MIR operators. Married with three sons, Warren's oldest son Walter is KC4UCQ, a code technican.

Callsign W1GUD
E-Mail welly@tampabay.rr.com

Paul Courson - WA3VJB


Paul Courson, WA3VJB has been licensed and on the air since 1971 with now-classic rigs that include a Collins 32V2 seen here in a vintage field day event organized by the nostalgic ham specialty magazine Electric Radio. Paul is a broadcast network TV and radio journalist covering events from Washington, DC, and boosts Newsline's coverage of FCC and other regulatory issues in the Nation's Capital.

Callsign WA3VJB
E-Mail wa3vjb@arrl.net